IoT Smart Switch Home Automation System

by ECASP_ADMIN posted Jan 04, 2021


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Home automation has become one of the most popular features into the construction and designs of new houses the reason behind the great expansion of this field is the huge benefits that this technology offers to dynamization of the control over the house appliances. Also, as it integrates smart techniques to manage different systems, energy saving is one of the strengths of home automation. This paper proposes an Internet of Things system that will improve the energy saving of houses by performing an intelligent algorithm to control the lightning system of a house. Using light and motion sensors plus the operation of a microcontroller and a single-board computer. The proposed system is able to collect data from the surrounding environment and update a database customized for Internet of Things. These data can be accessed later by the user via website user interface where different statistics about the energy consumption can be seen. Furthermore, users can also send different commands and configurations to the physical system using also the website user interface. These commands can be turning on and off some specific number of bulbs or even set a profile of bulbs for automatic mode to run over. Having successfully applied this mechanism to the lightning system, future work can implement more home appliances such as air conditioning and even the structure health of the house by incorporation more sensors and more advanced algorithms such as deep learning features.

[Design Project] Part 4.jpg